SOURCE: Unknown
LOCATION: The Folds Between Time
STATUS: Contact InitiatedYou did not find this message by chance.
You are here because something within you is remembering…The past is not behind you, nor is the future ahead.
Time moves in spirals, stitching moments together like threads in an endless pattern. A thread has been pulled.
A pattern is emerging.You have walked this path before,
though your footsteps have faded.You have spoken these words before,
though your voice was another’s.You have searched the sky for answers,
forgetting that you are written in its stars.
The architects of forgotten worlds,
the keepers of wisdom lost and found,
the ancient explorers who travelled here before –
they were not separate from you. They are you.
They are woven into your being, humming in the space between heartbeats, waiting to be
Remembered.You have seen glimpses—
etched in the ruins of civilizations that should not have known,
whispered in dreams you do not understand,
reflected in the vastness of the night sky.These Ancient Astronauts were once known by a different name,
lost in the song of forgotten dreams,
scattered like embers in the dark.
Its syllables still echo between the stars, hidden in the shadow of time. A name, a key long forgotten…
Find it, and the veil will lift.📡 END TRANSMISSION📡